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HSE (17 training courses)

Waste management trainingWaste management trainingWaste management trainingWaste management training

Waste management training

2 days

Theory and Practice

Waste Management training aims to enable participants to master the regulations relating to hazardous and economic activity waste, as well as to prevent the risks associated with these wastes while ensuring ecologically acceptable management. It also provides them with an in-depth understanding of waste management and treatment schemes in Morocco, as well as the EWC (European Waste Code).

Quality Safety Environment (QSE) managers and waste management supervisors

Allergens in the work environmentAllergens in the work environmentAllergens in the work environmentAllergens in the work environment

Allergens in the work environment

2 days

Theory and Practice

Training on allergens in the working environment aims to equip participants with the skills needed to identify risk situations in their establishment, as well as to know the main allergens and associated foods, and understand the regulations in force on this subject. It also guides them in implementing preventive tools and informing staff about allergen-related risks.

Employers, Occupational Safety Managers and Employees

Food safety and good manufacturing practicesFood safety and good manufacturing practicesFood safety and good manufacturing practicesFood safety and good manufacturing practices

Food safety and good manufacturing practices

2 days

Theory and Practice

Food Safety and Good Manufacturing Practices training aims to familiarize participants with the basic principles of food hygiene, current regulations and essential procedures for ensuring food safety. With a focus on improving product quality and safety, complying with regulatory standards, optimizing production processes, enhancing employee skills and reinforcing the company's image with customers and suppliers.

Operators, team leaders, quality managers, managers

Types of contaminationTypes of contaminationTypes of contaminationTypes of contamination

Types of contamination

2 days

Theory and Practice

The Types of Contamination training course aims to raise awareness of the various forms of contamination and highlight the importance of cleaning in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food processing or similar industries, particularly on production lines for sensitive products.

Food industry workers, Cleaning personnel, Industrial sector employees,Emergency and crisis management personnel and Safety managers

Prevention and Fight against AllergensPrevention and Fight against AllergensPrevention and Fight against AllergensPrevention and Fight against Allergens

Prevention and Fight against Allergens

2 days

Theory and Practice

Allergen prevention and control training aims to identify risk situations in participants' establishments and to highlight the importance of cleaning in pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food or similar industries, particularly on production lines for sensitive products.

Employers, Occupational Safety Managers, Employees and Emergency and Crisis Management Personnel

EPI Equipiers de première intervention (firefighting & first aid & evacuation)EPI Equipiers de première intervention (firefighting & first aid & evacuation)EPI Equipiers de première intervention (firefighting & first aid & evacuation)EPI Equipiers de première intervention (firefighting & first aid & evacuation)

EPI Equipiers de première intervention (firefighting & first aid & evacuation)

3 days

Theory and Practice

EPI (Equipiers de Première Intervention) training covers firefighting, first aid and evacuation. Avenir Formation's instructors all hold SSIAP3 fire safety qualifications.

All personnel likely to intervene in the event of a fire, provide first aid and organize evacuation



1 days

Theory and Practice

The fire-fighting training provided by Avenir Formation is supervised by qualified SSIAP3 instructors. Its main objective is to prepare participants to intervene effectively in the event of fire, coordinate evacuations and provide assistance to the injured while awaiting the arrival of public rescue services.

All personnel likely to intervene in the event of a fire, provide assistance and organize evacuation

First aid trainingFirst aid trainingFirst aid trainingFirst aid training

First aid training

1 days

Theory and Practice

The first-aid training provided by Avenir Formation is given by qualified SSIAP3 instructors, specialists in security, fire and evacuation. Its aim is to prepare participants to intervene effectively to assist injured persons while awaiting the arrival of public emergency services.

All personnel likely to provide first aid

Evacuation TechniqueEvacuation TechniqueEvacuation TechniqueEvacuation Technique

Evacuation Technique

1 days

Theory and Practice

The training provided by Avenir Formation in evacuation techniques is given by qualified SSIAP3 instructors, experts in security, fire and evacuation. Its aim is to prepare participants to intervene effectively in the event of fire, to manage evacuations and to provide assistance to injured persons while awaiting the arrival of public rescue services.

All personnel likely to intervene and organize evacuation

Habilitation électrique basse tension personnel non électricien (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550)Habilitation électrique basse tension personnel non électricien (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550)Habilitation électrique basse tension personnel non électricien (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550)Habilitation électrique basse tension personnel non électricien (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550)

Habilitation électrique basse tension personnel non électricien (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550)

1 days

Theory and Practice

Low-voltage electrical habilitation training for non-electrician personnel (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550) aims to prepare non-electrician personnel, particularly those responsible for supervising non-electrical work, to ensure the safety of people under their responsibility in a low-voltage environment, in compliance with the safety standards defined in NFC 18510.

All audiences: company employees

Habilitation électrique basse tension personnel électricien (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550)Habilitation électrique basse tension personnel électricien (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550)Habilitation électrique basse tension personnel électricien (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550)Habilitation électrique basse tension personnel électricien (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550)

Habilitation électrique basse tension personnel électricien (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550)

2 days

Theory and Practice

Low-voltage electrical clearance training for electrician personnel (NF C18-510 & NF C18-550) aims to develop the skills needed to assess and protect against electrical risks, as well as to implement appropriate preventive measures.

Any person operating in the LV field called upon to carry out maintenance work

Travail En Atmosphère Explosive (ATEX)Travail En Atmosphère Explosive (ATEX)Travail En Atmosphère Explosive (ATEX)

Travail En Atmosphère Explosive (ATEX)

2 days

Theory and Practice

Training on working in explosive atmospheres (ATEX) aims to empower participants to operate safely in ATEX zones and to recognize the various markings authorized in these zones.

Anyone likely to work in an ATEX zone, maintenance technicians, electricians, operational personnel

Work in a confined spaceWork in a confined spaceWork in a confined spaceWork in a confined space

Work in a confined space

2 days

Theory and Practice

Training on working in confined spaces aims to empower participants to analyze the intervention environment, prepare and organize their interventions, secure the areas concerned, intervene safely in these spaces and implement emergency means in the event of an accident.

Anyone likely to work in a confined space, maintenance technicians, electricians, operational personnel

Work at Height: ScaffoldingWork at Height: ScaffoldingWork at Height: ScaffoldingWork at Height: Scaffolding

Work at Height: Scaffolding

2 days

Theory and Practice

Training on working at height, specifically on the use of scaffolding, aims to enable participants to apply general safety rules when working at height, to assess fall risks and choose appropriate means of protection, to use a safety harness properly, and to check and maintain their personal protective equipment.

All operational personnel

Professional risk assessment trainingProfessional risk assessment trainingProfessional risk assessment training

Professional risk assessment training

2 days

Theory and Practice

Occupational risk assessment training aims to empower participants to recognize the impacts of safety on the company and its management, identify the hazards and risks associated with work situations, apply a suitable risk analysis methodology and evaluate the results to establish a progress approach.

Managers, plant managers, department heads and supervisory staff, team leaders, CHSCT members

Storage and handling of hazardous products ADR 1.3Storage and handling of hazardous products ADR 1.3Storage and handling of hazardous products ADR 1.3Storage and handling of hazardous products ADR 1.3

Storage and handling of hazardous products ADR 1.3

1 days

Theory and Practice

The ADR 1.3-compliant training course on the storage and handling of hazardous products, delivered in partnership with Avenir Formation and APTH France in Morocco, aims to teach the application of road regulations relating to the transport of dangerous goods, as well as the identification of the new ADR 2021 requirements and their sectoral impacts.

All audiences: company employees

Equipment important for safety - EIPSEquipment important for safety - EIPSEquipment important for safety - EIPS

Equipment important for safety - EIPS

1 days

Theory and Practice

The training on equipment important to safety, also known by the acronym EIPS, provided by the Avenir Formation center, whose instructors are all SSIAP3 qualified, aims to make participants aware of the issues involved in wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), to inform them about the different types of PPE available, and to encourage them to wear the right equipment for their activity.

All company personnel as well as service providers, subcontractors, or visitors